Elevate Your Health: An Introduction to the Power of Naturopathy

What a simple and complex question this is. That is because naturopathy is both a simple concept yet in practice is as complex as everyone is different and incredibly complex. The simple version is to identify the underlying causes of disease and correct them.

Naturopathy is underpinned by science and patient-centered care while remaining true to its roots. Naturopathy has been around since the late 18th century and has come along way in this time. It now encompasses science-backed use of herbs, nutraceuticals, and the use of functional testing to better treat clients.

The term holistic is an important term used in Naturopathy as an underpinning concept everything is connected. Mind, body, and spirit must be aligned and balanced for good health.  

Principles that underly Naturopathic Practice:

-       First do no harm (primum non nocere)

-       The healing power of nature (vis medicatrix naturae)

-       Identify the root cause of the disease (tolle causam)

-       Treat the whole person- mind, body, spirit (tolle totum)

-       Disease prevention and health promotion (praevenire)

-       Doctor as teacher (docere)

These principles underpin how a naturopath will look a disease states and the process used to determine best treatment plan.

My favorites are the healing power of nature as this means that by returning to a natural state the whole person will begin to heal, and doctor as teacher as I like many others are more likely to take a prescription or change an aspect of our lives and gain the greatest benefit if we understand why something is being prescribed to us, why it will work for you, and what to expect the outcome to be. Knowledge about your own health is your greatest power in healing, as a naturopath works with you on your health journey and guides you to make better decisions about your health.

Your treatment plan will be tailored to your needs and may include functional testing for a better understanding of what is occurring, changes to diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplements, flower essence, herbal mixes, and teas. Your treatment plan should be individualized, realistic, and holistic with an emphasis on lifestyle and diet.

A naturopath should be used in conjunction with other healthcare providers to see the best results, this team will look different for each person. Herbal medicine can help with a wide variety of both acute and chronic conditions including mental health support, mood and stress support, skin issues, gut imbalances, thyroid health, and fatigue.   

What makes me so passionate about herbal medicine is that I can help a variety of people with completely different lives and conditions and no two treatment plans will be the same, no two herbal mix or prescriptions will look alike. It is not a one-size-fits-all system. Each treatment plan and prescription is as unique as the person I am treating and will evolve with the client as their health journey evolves.

If this sounds like something that you could benefit from don’t hesitate to book a discovery call or email me at arielmeikle.naturopath@gmail.com


How naturopathy can help you through times of grief